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New message from: mootsti (445Turquoise Star)

Hey Joel,

The Super D just showed up today and I have played it a bunch. Man, it's killer piece. Tons of punch. Thanks so much for being OK with the swap. I really appreciate it!

July 18th 2019

From Bruce Eskovitz - Tru-Slant 8* Tenor Sax Piece

Hey Joel
The tenor mouthpiece is amazing!! So clear and focused throughout the entire horn. It’s as if someone who actually can play the saxophone made a mouthpiece. Oh, wait. That’s what it is!! Lol!!

It’s the best mouthpiece that I’ve ever played. I’ll be in touch re coming by for the soprano too!!

Sent from my iPhone

July 13th 2019

Hi! I recommended a colleague and friend so he is going to order a 7th ave south mb replica Seventh Ave in 107 as well. His name is Peter Zimny, could you pick out one great for him? He is going to mail you... Fully enjoying mine on two concerts so far, fantastic mpc, thanks! /Sven

Hey JP, Artiste Clarinet Mouthpiece, New Yorker 7M Alto Sax Mouthpiece
Bravo my friend!! They’re fabulous and I’ve only spent 2 minutes with each. Clear tone, great pitch and solid core throughout all registers!!
I might be interested in a tenor mouthpiece too, but would like to try a few. Can we set up a time in the next two weeks?

8:09 AM (1 hour ago)
to me
Hey Joel.
I just wanted to say that I got the 7th ave mouthpiece yesterday. Thank you so much for getting it to me so fast.
What can I say except WOW!!!!!
This piece is amazing!!!! The 10mFan Boss that I have been playing was good for the over the top volume gigs but I now realize it was just bright and loud. This piece plays up and down the horn with great color and I can do anything on it. Low reg is beautiful and the altissimo pumps with no effort. Can't wait to take it on my gig tonight. nice trio gig!
thanks again for making such a great piece.
I think I might have to get a NY Alto piece now. I play an old Meyer and an Eric Falcon FJIII! They are good but the sounds on the web sight of your NY sound great!
Talk soon
the best
  Larry Ballereau
John Weber  recommends Retro Revival Saxophone Mouthpieces.

Easy to do business with. Great mouthpieces! Love the Shorty I purchased.

Start a private conversation with John Weber in Messenger.

Brett Evans

Fri, Dec 21, 4:30 PM (2 days ago)
to me
Hello Joel I don’t know if you received previous message via email ..but thank you 🙏 so much for a GREAT bari mouthpiece ....will send s CD at some stage /  have a great break .. I’m following up in 2019 for my tenor pieces ......
Brett Evans !!!!!!

Yotam Matoy Barak


I have to say this mouthpieces is amazing! I've had it for almost a week and played on it for a few days in all sort of settings and it blends in with whatever style of music I play. Very reed friendly and extremely free blowing, it gets the job done! (i.e whatever sound that is in my head comes out effortlessly) Many thanks for this very well made mouthpiece!

Philip Halseth

4:48 PM (12 minutes ago)
to me
Hi Joel,
That is a fantastic mouthpiece.  I greatly appreciate your craftsmanship.  It was a pleasure to give it a run this afternoon. Super D 7*NY
Thank you,
i just received one of your tru-slants, purchased second hand, and i have to hand it to you. this thing plays itself! i’ve never played a piece that has such a wide dynamic range while still remaining resistant enough to shape the sound. the only downside is that it makes me wanna spend all my money on the rest of your mouthpieces!! 😂 thank you for your craftsmanship, it’s a pleasure to play.
Jakub Martin 
Thank you Joel , loving this Mpc 
. Double D was awesome but crescent 
More my style . Allows me to 
To have much more say in my sound
More control of tone , & volume.
Gotta persevere a little as I switched
From 7* to a 6* about 2 years ago
7* much better less resistance
More room to breath. Thank you 
Joel &  the team at Retro-revival
Best thing to have happened
In mouthpieces for a long long time.
Best always 
Robert H McGowan 
New York City 🌃 
Hi Joel, 
Just wanted to say thanks for everything.  The Crescent is a beast as described.  Nice and dark with lots of edge ... or not depending on what I need.  A perfect replacment for my link, wish I would have bought it 3 pieces ago. It would have saved me a bunch if money.
Now I just need to figure what reed combo sounds best.  They all sound great ... very reed friendly.    
I am sure we will due business again.
Best regards,
Robert d.

Matt Thelen .

1:23 PM (3 hours ago)
to me
JOEL!!! This is the best mouthpiece I have EVER played! Thank you so much! This piece has made me realize I have been battling my gear my entire career. I can't thank you enough for helping me realize my tonal potential!! My friend Chris Milyo loved it so much he just order 2 from you! I will spread the word more my friend! 
  • Jonathan Cole

    5:29 PM (8 minutes ago)
    to Bobme

    Hey Shep...  Lovin' the crescent by the way!  Plays EXACTLY the way I want to hear my sound, splits high G like a champ and screams up top with ease!!  I actually really like both pieces (Super D and Crescent).  But I can't afford to keep both!  I think the darker piece will give me more flexibility and ultimately has the tone I'm seeking.  The top tones are so lush on both of these pieces!  Damn great job on these Joel!

    Thanks for helping me out with this decision, much appreciated!



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Retro Revival "Crescent" 7* Tenor Saxophone Mouthpiece
If like me you are medium to good level player (please note the modesty of the author... Ed) who has struggled with your tenor sound and have a drawer full of mouthpieces then look no more. Retro Revival is the brain child of saxophonist's Bob Sheppard and Joel C. Peskin, with the aim of replicating and bringing back to life some of the greatest mouthpieces  made. Vintage pieces that are now extremely difficult to find, that were played by jazz legends Cannonball Adderley, Coltrane, Stan Getz and Dexter Gordon, from classic Meyers for alto, and tenor pieces such as the Otto Link Slant Sig Ebonite and Double Ring Metal Tenor, as well as Trane's famous "Crescent" mouthpiece.

I have watched with interest the various sound clips available online and after hearing tenor saxophonist  Ryan Devlin I decided to take the plunge and order a mouthpiece. 

For me the choice was either a Super D Florida or a "Crescent" I went for the "Crescent" replica of the NY Link Super Tone Master, and elected to try the 7* with a tip opening of .105. 

My first attempt wasn't very good as I have been playing an ebonite mouthpiece for a long time, but on day two something just clicked and wow I took off, a full round tone with just enough edge, beefy and lush with a sub tone to die for. The following night i tested the new mouthpiece at a band rehearsal and it held up to a full two hour session I had no trouble cutting through the guitar section without losing any tonal quality or control. The mouthpiece played effortlessly across the entire range of the horn from top to bottom.

After years of playing an ebonite piece on my Lupifaro Platinum Series tenor, I have now switched back to metal, with the "Crescent" being my mouthpiece of choice. So, if you like me, have been on the sidelines get a Retro Revival and join the game you won't regret it. 

Reviewed by Peter Scaddan 
Lupifaro Saxophones UK

For more information click on the images or visit

New message from: fubay2014 (568Purple Star)

I just want to let you know that I am absolutely happy with this mouthpiece, this is exactly the sound that I was looking for. I have not used other mouthpiece since I received it.

I appreciate if you can leave feedback for me too.

Thanks Again, I will post some feedback in saxontheweb as well.


 115/2 UK Bari Sax Piece

Michael G Kelly

Another update on the Bari piece . The more I play it the more I love it . I love the fact that I can play it mellow and pretty and just changing the way I am blowing and can become nasty and funky . It is a versatile mouthpiece . I love this piece .



Lance Van Lenten

12:13 PM (2 hours ago)
to me
Hi Joel,
I love the D, it reminds me of my Jon Van Wie Fl link in the mid/low registers (very easy to speak low notes) but with more clarity in the upper register and altissimo...I need to get used to the quick response up there. Overall more punch in all registers. Like my JVW, reed placement is important at the tip or my sound gets a bit less flexible. 


Matt Christensen

4:37 PM (58 minutes ago)
to me
Hi Joel
Just wanted to say thanks again for your mouthpieces. I just pulled the trigger on a NY 7 Med from you as well to hopefully get a bit more sound and flexibility than the original NY Meyer Bros 5 I have been using for years...
I am going to be using that and the Florida in the pit for Beautiful the Carole King musical next month, so looking forward to it!
Music & Sound for Games
- - - - - - - -
Hi Joel, I loved that Seventh Ave. South Tenor .116 tip opening that you sent me in the beginning of may.. It was the second one I bought from you and it is just as fantastic as the first one I bought. Thanks for picking out the best of the litter for me.  I like them so much I  purchased a third one from your website  a cople of weeks ago and got it last week.. I know that you said you had a few of the .116 tip openings left and the one you sent was the best out of the three I now have. They work perfect on my Mark VI 64,xxx tenor and have so much power it is unbelievable. Way better sounding than any original Guardala Tenor piece that I have ever owned and I have owned many dozens of them. Now I am considering buying a fourth one. I know that you told me in the beginning of May that at that time you had around 3-4 of the Seventh Avenue South with a .116 tip opening left. Could ou let me know if you have one or two more in stock for instant shipping. Seems like the batch you have in stock currently works super perfect on my horn and want to get another before they are sold out. Let me know.
Bob Renna

Mark as done

Ivan Renta
Get Started
Retro Revival Saxophone Mouthpieces
Ivan Renta
Retro Revival Saxophone Mouthpieces
thanks my friend, I will ship the piece 
Sent by Joel C. Peskin
Ivan Renta
Thank you Joel

Ivan Renta
Hey Joel got the piece today and it’s an total beast bro!! Powerful but Not overly bright, nice and centered. I can play my jazz stuff on it and if I have to blast on it totally responds. Great stuff!! I’m interested in a bari piece too I’ll call u when I’m ready in the next couple of weeks . Take care my friend.

2:35 PM (1 hour ago)
to me
Hi Joel
Just a note to say this Super D New York mouthpiece is awesome. It play the lows with a rich tonal ease and the highs with a full sweet sound.This is now my main piece. Thank you again.
Roy Robertson


I've just received my "double ring"...

I'm a modest Tenor player in differents amateur groups (big band, sax quintet, quintet trp/ten ... in a small france city) and I'm passionate about jazz music and specialy tenors players for many years ...

My conductor and friend own one your "double ring".I've tried it and I was very excited.That's why I ordered you the same mouthpiece.

I just begin to play this one and I'm already very happy with my purchase ...


Congratulations on your work ...

(Sorry for my bad English language ...)


Musical frienships


Christian SALESSE

Frank Elmo

I got my Florida Super D 8 two days ago. I can’t stop playing it. It is very focused and full sounding in all registers especially the lower notes . The the way it sings when I push it is astounding. I’ve tried a variety of reeds and they are all playable. This is literally the best mouthpiece I’ve ever played, thanx so much! You have great product, I finally have found what I’ve been looking for in a mouthpiece! It was well worth the wait. Frank

Mario Lafrésière 

to me

Things are going fast....I like that . Thanks for everything Joël. I was playing a Navarro bop boy and a ted klum focustone  and when I tried the Florida, I was blown out. Never played such a big sound mpc .... thanks again

    Hi again Joel

  I just wanted to again thank you for a GREAT mouthpiece. I have been playing it all day and my fav reeds are RJS 3s unfiled and also Rigotti gold 3s work well. I wish you and Retro Revival all the success in the world. I usually don't post on SOTW much anymore because there is too much bias and opinions on it, although I heard of your mouthpieces through it. You know as well as I that all pieces are subjective to player, reed choice and we all blow different. This U K special is the bomb for me.

 thanks again



Just an update. Played a few gigs with this mouthpiece now and it is absolutely ridiculous! Best place I've ever owned and I've owned a bunch! Thanks again. You guys are doing a fantastic job.

"Great Review by Steve Neff on the New Yorker"

David Parasz

to me

Hi JP,

Pleasant surprise in the mail this morning. My Slant arrived! You weren't kidding. It plays great. I'm now the proud owner of a Super D and Tru-Slant, and I think I now have some pieces that are facsimiles of classics, but with even better craftsmanship thanks to your initiative and Eric. (And I'm a big Bob fan.) Thanks for putting out some great products, 

mark p kieme 

to iReedMan's

Wow. everything you said it was! Free blowing, rich, responsive, and just like the one double-ring I had 30 years ago.Bravo!!!

Tim Messina

to iReedMan's


I received the mouthpiece and tried it yesterday. It is a quality piece and very easy to play. I have an 8 week Setzer tour coming up that I'm looking forward to bringing it on the road with me. 

I wish you much success with this endeavor. 

Thank you,


Tru Slant is fantastic, Joel!

Really impressed

 UK Special 105/2 

Geoff Nudell I just bought one and played it on a gig for the first time last night. It exceeded my expectations!

Alexandre Macedo 

May 23  


I already have my mouthpiece in Brazil and she is amazing! Congratulations, it's perfect. 

Thomas Desch 3/31/17

I have got my New Yorker 7M today. I usually do not play much Alto but I cannot stop trying it. Never played as high on Alto. What a fat sound and response. I loved it from the first moment.

Hi Joel,

"I've had my Super D for a month now and I love it. It was unbelievably great from the get-go. Thanks, man.  All the best. Dave in Toronto

 "Jeff Gordon" 7* Super D New York

"Want to say JP that the piece is awesome , unreal the flat out best "Link" I have ever played. Like my friend the late Frank Vicari would say- it has that magic- thanks and be well- Jeff 

Via eBay Feedback sale of his 8M Alto

Joel, now I have a true back up to my Meyer Brothers. It could be my no. 1. 

John Reilly


"Lawrence Feldman"

I had a Moderately orgasmic fuller trial of tenor mpc last night.

To me it's not quite an Otto Link voice, it's a little wetter, and better overall.. what I love is I can't stop playing it and the CRISPNESS factor is high.

New Yorker & Super D

"Les Thimmig"

Alto #7 – 011
Alto #5 – 023
Tenor #8*(silver) – 024

First, the altos. The #7 arrived on Thursday (June 2). I immediately slapped the horn together and took the mouthpiece through everything I could think of: loud, soft, high, low, fast, slow, classical flute lines, Confirmation, slow blues, Cherokee at the speed of light, you name it. On Friday, I had a recording session playing improvisationally behind a bluesy pop singer. The date was all alto except for two tracks on flute. Then on Sunday, I played a three-hour big band gig on lead alto. The timing of its arrival was perfect: I got to play damned near everything on it. And when the #5 arrived a couple of weeks later, I gave it a similar workout. And my response to both simply caused me to bust out giggling. Bob, you remember my goofy story about my mouthpiece coming out of Phil Woods’s duffel bag? That was the (Meyer) #5. I added the #7 a few years later, both for backup and variety. In terms you guys will certainly understand, the #5 leaned toward a “Phil” quality, the #7 toward a “Quill”. And I’ve been happily banging on them without letup ever since. None of the other mouthpieces I’ve tried over the years have even come close. But now these two new beauties have reshuffled the deck. Not only do they match the complex resonance and flexibility of my golden oldies, but they exceed them. There’s a greater sense of depth and bottom in the sound, what the brass guys call “belly”. It’s for sure that these are what I’ll be using from now on.

So how’s this for an advertising hook?........”This mouthpiece has caused me to change my alto mouthpiece for the first time since 1963”. (I’d like to hear those young punks make THAT statement!)

Concerning the tenor, I’m afraid that I’ve been experiencing a little bit of a drought in my public activities for the past few weeks. (Gee......Is it something I said?.....) I’ll be back in action starting next week, but so far I have only played at home. But who needs gigs to know what’s happening? The mouthpiece is solid! For the past eight or so years, I’ve been using one that Theo Wanne made for me, one with an extremely high baffle, bigger than his standard production models. And this has been the closest thing I’ve found to the glory days of Link. Yours plays remarkably similar to it. But the more I play the two side by side, I’m leaning heavily toward yours. And for the same reasons listed above: belly and flexibility. I’ll know for sure after I’ve been out honking on a few dates, but I’ll be quite surprised if I don’t make this Number one.



Frank Battaglia Super D Florida #6*

The NY Double D plays great!
A little brighter than my old NY Double Ring (I regretfully sold for years until now) but better harmonics (dead on) and intonation. Very responsive top to bottom
You cats should do well with this one.
Unlike others that have claimed to copy a DR --- this one does.
With my two NY Tonemasters (one refaced by Theo Wanne 16 years-- my fav mpc for the last decade or so) my tenor mpc search is over
Best Wishes.

Hi Joel, 

Your RR New Yorker #6M alto mpc arrived today.  It is killing ... I just love it.   It is a definitely upgrade from my favorite alto piece (refaced modern Meyer).  I'll be spending some quality time with it this week and will be posting about it shortly.


Many thanks.

Steve Macdonald


Super D Gold New York #7

"Justin Vasquez"
VP of Resource Management New School of Music

Thanks again, can't say enough great things about this piece. One of the greatest examples of what the tenor is capable of sounding like. Fat, wide classic tone with instant response. Doesn't lose it's center in the extremes of range. If I can ever help you or Bob in any capacity please don't hesitate to give me a call. I've had 5 people play this piece and they all want to know where to get one.